Monday, August 17, 2009

Why I Haven't Written Lately

I doubt that many people have noticed my extended absence on LL, but for those who have, I think I owe an explanation. While congress is in recess we've all become very familiar with the prevailing stories in the news this summer. Healthcare town halls and the screamers and other manner of wackos that attend them with hopes of derailing healthcare reform are dominating all political conversation. It's the same old tired tactics that attempted to stop desegregation in the south, and it's the same tactics that we'll see for years to come whenever there is hope for progressive reform, and it should be reported as such. So, I'm not going to give extra time and attention to groups that don't deserve it. They're old news, and they're enemies of progress. It would be pointless for me to keep beating a dead horse. Thus, until at least congress is back in session, or something worth reporting happens, or regular season New Orleans Saints football begins, I refuse to be boring.

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