Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Are You Kidding Me, Mr. President?!

President Obama is going out of his way this week derail his own plan for real health care reform. The president told reporters this week that "he didn't like to see 'left wing' groups attacking fellow Democrats.'"


All we're doing Mr. President, is fighting for the real reform that you campaigned on! You asked me to vote for you because a vote for you would be a vote for healthcare, and now that we're calling out Blue Dogs for dragging their feet, you stand up for them? If real meaningful healthcare reform fails this year, it will not be because of liberal progressives asking The President and Congress to keep to their word when it comes to the most important issues facing our country. Forget blaming birthers, screamers, and the GOP, It will be because conservative democrats in name only either aren't sticking to their guns or weren't serious about reform in the first place. All we're asking for is for you to keep your promises. ~46,000,000 Americans cannot wait for diplomacy on this issue. We need real reform now. I don't understand why the President is asking all the people who voted for real reform to calm down and sit the bench at this crucial stage in the debate. The radical right is sending the dogs on every front, and our leader is telling us to hold steady. Mr. President, I hope you haven't forgotten that you found success in the primaries on the backs of liberals who didn't just wait for the issue to come to them, they attacked and won. You owe us.

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