Thursday, July 23, 2009

Welcome and First Post!

Good evening everyone and welcome to Liberal Louisiana. Since this is the first post on this blog, I think it’s appropriate to give a little background about myself and my objectives for this blog. My name is Joseph Stern. I’ve lived in Louisiana all my life and I’m twenty-one years old. I’m currently a senior at LSU and I’ll graduate in May with a B.A. in History. I am an active member of the LSU College Democrats and since the spring of 2009, I have served as this organization’s vice president. I am also a justice on our university court, having been duly elected by our student body in the fall of 2008. My interests range from legal studies, to political science, to New Orleans Saints football, to art films and indie music. I consider myself to be well read and well informed on these and a number of other topics, which I hope will come in handy in the course of writing on this blog.

The purpose of this blog is to provide both Louisiana residents and non-residents a chance to look at the world through the eyes of one of the few dedicated liberals in our great state, and to provide a place for open discussion of issues facing both our state and our country. To accomplish this, myself and hopefully other writers will regularly cover stories that are of consequence to this blog’s readership, giving both an unbiased approach to the facts of a story combined with the unique perspective of a Louisiana Liberal.

So with that said, on to the real reason for this post.

It’s no secret that among conservative politicians there is an idea that the only thing that matters is the moment that one is currently in. No matter what you’ve done or said in the past, nothing can preclude you from taking full advantage of any situation that happens to arise at any time. From Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina, to Sen. John Ensign of Nevada, the past means nothing in the GOP. This is why our own Governor Bobby Jindal had no problems at all with contradicting his past remarks about the stimulus package passed earlier in the year by traveling the state on a hypocritical credit grabbing tour. The audacity of the Jindal’s sharpshooter fallacy is shocking on it’s own, but what upsets and worries me the most is that none of our local papers stood up for their readers and called the governor out on his hypocrisy, not a single one. This is in essence why a blog such as this one is necessary. If the sources that we trust to provide us with good information fail to do so, then where do we turn? I hope that we can be at least a part of that answer here at LL. And I hope you’ll join us as we continue to search for the answers to that question.

Joseph Stern

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