Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Senator Landrieu launches new e-mail newsletter, and other news.

News Item #1:
Louisiana's senior senator has decided to launch her new e-mail newsletter today. Quoting the e-mail:
I am excited to announce that my office is launching new e-newsletters to keep you updated on what I am working on here in Washington D.C. This new initiative will not only enable me to communicate my legislative priorities to you, but it will also allow you to tell me about which issues you find most important.
Wondering if those priorities include co-sponsoring a bill with once presidential hopeful Sam Brownback (R-KS) that bans human-animal hybrids. Thank goodness we have Sen. Landrieu to protect us from minotaurs! I plan to write more about the philosophical implications of this in a future post. I hope to discuss questions about at what point someone becomes a "hybrid", and identity as a human.

News Item #2:
Democrats are calling for a nationwide ban texting and driving. I guess I'll have to think of another way not to focus on the most deadly thing we do on a daily basis. Sen. Landrieu also co-sponsored this bill. Showing that she's been pretty busy as the end of the session draws more near, signaling the beginning of the first fundraising trip home since November.

News Item #3:
Can you eat solely Louisiana grown food products for a week? WBRZ attempted to find out. Video here. This reminds me of a time when I tried to survive on only a dollar a day for a month. I got sick, and my mom made me quit. Sadness.

News Item #4:
Prosecutors have alleged in the ongoing case against former Representative William "Cash Bricks" Jefferson, that the congressman was concurrently running several schemes to grift people out of their cold hard cash. And when I say cold hard, I obviously mean that literally. File this story under Democrats policing themselves. Something Repugs aren't really keen on doing.

News Item #5:
In something disappointing to me personally, the Perkins Rowe commercial zone is hemorrhaging money, and banks are attempting to foreclose on the property. I had my first real job here, and I love the atmosphere. I hope they can get their affairs in order and preserve one of the more unique and fun locations in Baton Rouge.

That's all the news that mattered to me today. Anything else beeping on your radar today? Thread is open for discussion.

1 comment:

  1. I had so many fun times with Jessica in Perkins Rowe in such a short time. :( This is the sadness
