Harvey Milk was killed by a Democrat.
It was stated as if it were an indictment of all Democrats, which is in and of itself fallacious. Abraham Lincoln was killed by a conservative, but that doesn't mean you can categorically paint all conservatives as murderers. Mao was an atheist, but it surely does not follow that that would mean anything about atheists in general. John Wilkes Booth doesn't speak for conservatives, Mao doesn't speak for atheists, and Dan White doesn't speak for Democrats. It was stated as if Ms. Coulter didn't fully grasp the magnitude of failure contained in those seven words. The statement on it's face is certainly factually true, but Dan White's identity as a Democrat contributed nothing to his motives for murder. This fact is gleefully overlooked by Coulter and Geraldo as it becomes painfully obvious that Coulter has lost all communication with the reality-based world.
Harvey Milk was not killed because of political ideology. Dan White murdered Milk because White was an insane, homophobic, bigoted, sore loser, and in that sense he has much more in common with today's GOP than he does anyone on the left side of the aisle.
Except the weapons of those opposed to progress are much more subtle and much more deadly today. They distort, withhold, and outright lie about the evidence, and in the process kill millions more Americans than anyone with a six shooter and a twinkie defense ever could.